Dear Attendee,
If you attended the 2019 SVDFT conference, thank you for participating! We are very interested in hearing your opinion of the event in the interest of improving it for next year. If you don't mind, please take just 1 minute to let us know what you think by responding to our survey below.

Consider entering a presentation for next year.......

Thanks, Jim Johnson

~~ 2019 Silicon Valley DFT  & Test Conference Follow up Survey: ~~

1. How do you rate the event overall? Great Good Average Poor No Opinion
2. The event was technically interesting to me personally. Strongly Agree Agree Average Poor No Opinion
3. The event is technically useful in my job. Strongly Agree Agree Average Poor No Opinion
4. I found the event to be useful for meeting/networking with my peers. Strongly Agree Agree Average Poor No Opinion 
5. I will plan to participate/attend next year.Yes No Maybe
6. I would recommend the event to my coworkers next year. Yes No Maybe 
7. How do you rank the location and site of the conference. Great Good Average Poor No Opinion
8. The conference was enjoyable and informative? Strongly Agree Agree Average Poor No Opinion
9. The vendor booths were interesting and informative? Strongly Agree Agree Average Poor No Opinion
10. The vendor 20 min presentations were interesting? Strongly Agree Agree Average Poor No Opinion
11. How do you rank the presentations for being interesting and professional? Great Good Average Poor No Opinion
12. The event was organized and professional? Strongly Agree Agree Average Poor No Opinion 
13. Please rate the Key Note Speaker. Great Good Average Poor No Opinion
14. How can we improve the event next year? [10 words or less]

15. Topics I would like to see covered next time are: [10 words or less]

16. Classes you'd be interested in taking next year: [10 words or less]

17. Any additional comments? [10 words or less]

18. Name (optional - only used for follow ups or clarifications)

Comments & Suggestions - SiliconAid Solutions, Inc. - we can help!!!
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